
7 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh India


1 Week Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh - India

A yoga retreat program is basically done in order to deepen your yoga practice. You can also term it as a break from your daily routine. This Retreat course is approximately 6 hours per day and contains a combination of asana, pranayama, philosophy and also a time for Question-Answer so that every aspect of our teaching will be clear to students. It is also an opportunity for self-practice under the guidance of the teacher. The duration of the course is 7 days in which you will increase and enhance your potential and the last day of the program is fixed for the enjoyment. This last day enjoyment includes SIghtseeing, White Water Rafting or Attending the ceremony in any of the Ashrams. This 1-week Retreat Program focus on both; practical and theoretical sessions which we are conducting in our school.

  • yoga Ancient style of Hatha and Ashtanga yoga
  • yoga Visualization Meditation
  • yoga Outdoor program on Sundays
  • yoga Principles of Asana Practice
  • yoga Mantra chanting & Bhajan by the holy Ganges
  • yoga Yogic Food, Accomodation & free Wi-Fi
  • yoga Indian Style Music Concert
  • yoga Early Bird: 10-20% Discount Pre Booking
  • yoga Course Fees: US $400 /student
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Iyengar Yoga and Hatha Yoga is also introduced in our course which is very beneficial for students, especially for those who are beginners in this field. This Retreat Yoga Program help us to divert our mind from daily hectic and depressive schedule so that one could continue their blissful life. You will definitely feel calm & relax. We are here for you to provide you a homely environment and an assent to truly relax. Being on a yoga retreat permit you to hearken to your body, rest when you need it, and helps you to be free from tension. Yoga Retreats is good for your Mind, Body, and Soul.

Benefit of going on a Yoga Retreat

Yoga Retreats is good for your Mind, Body and Soul.

1. If you find it impossible to silence your mind and you’re always thinking of the next thing you need to do then a yoga retreat gives you a great opportunity to stop overthinking it all.
Use a yoga retreat to turn off all the noise of your own voice and open yourself to a more positive way of thinking.

2. If you find yourself stressed by your current circumstance then attending a yoga retreat can help you to take a step back and evaluate where you’re at from a distance.
Sometimes it’s difficult to make decisions when we’re too close to the situation. Going on retreat can give you the benefit of distance and help you to reevaluate.

3. Disrupting our daily pattern, meeting new people and experiencing new things can really help to put everything in a different perspective.
We have the space to grow and learn about ourselves as well as soak up new ideas and cultures.

4. Our daily lives are full to the brim with stresses and strains, media, advertising and the relationships we want to grow and keep up with. If you live in a city these can be multiplied tenfold. Going on a retreat is a great way to learn about what is and isn’t working in your life.

5. Meditation is often part of a retreat program, and you can speak to your instructor about helping you to harness your thoughts!



7 Days Yoga Retreat Syllabus

  • Asana (Hatha)
  • Pranayama
  • Meditation
  • Anatomy
  • Theory & Practice
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Meaning
  • Bandha
  • Mind/Gunas
  • Definition
  • Hands-On Adjustments
  • Basic of Raja Yoga
  • Benefits
  • Principles of Asana Practice
  • Nadi Sodhan - I & II
  • Body Alignment
  • Static and Dynamic Asanas
  • Breath Awareness
  • Modifications
  • Theory Behind Asanas/Pranayama
  • Surya Namaskar
  • Kapalbhati/Bhastrika
  • Teaching Practice
  • Mudras/Bandha
  • Bhramari/Shitali/Sitkari
  • Ayurveda
  • Basic of gyana Yoga
  • Basic of Ayurveda
  • Bhakti Yoga/Mantra
  • Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Tantra

7 Days Yoga Retreat Dates & Daily Schedule: 2019

Timing Daily Schedule
05:30 - 06:45 am Pranayama
07:00 - 09:00 am Asana / Hatha / Ashtanga
09:00 - 11:00 am Breakfast & Self practice
11:00 - 12:30 pm Ayurveda /Philosophy / Anatomy
12:30 - 03:00 pm Lunch & Rest
03:00 - 04:00 pm Self Practice
04:00 - 06:30 pm Asana / Hatha / Ashtanga / Body Alignment
06:30 - 07:00 pm Ayurvedic / Light Tea
07:00 - 08:00 pm Yoga Nidra / Meditation / Mantra Chanting
08:00 - 09:00 pm Dinner
09:00 pm.. Lights Off
Every Sunday
Outdoor program on Sundays
7 Days Yoga Retreats Dates: 2019-20 Course Fees Status
01st - 7th Every Month US $400 Apply for Yoga Course
08th - 14th Every Month US $400 Apply for Yoga Course
15th - 21st Every Month US $400 Apply for Yoga Course
22th - 28th Every Month US $400 Apply for Yoga Course
Ask for the 7 Days Yoga Retreats Dates - Contact us
All Dates are Flexible, so you can also contact us for suitable dates